I saw this video last year how you can add festivities to your gallery wall. I’v Show Content
I saw this video last year how you can add festivities to your gallery wall. I’ve had these prints a few years. I took the red from these and applied ribbon to my frames for added festive vibe. I got this cute felt garland from @bellsandwhistlesatthelilacs on Etsy. I love how they drape and add curves to soften the straight lines on this wall.
My parents have been away for three months travelling around Hong Kong, China and the Philippines. This is the longest they’ve been away and it had been nice to have the house all peaceful and tranquil. It is nice to have them home and know they are safely back.
They certainly have developed a tan. I told Mum that she looked like she hadn’t had a wash 🤣. Dad said he’s only put on two pounds so he’s happy haha…
We know it hasn’t been easy for them being away and things happening here but their thoughts and hearts were with us at the time. As Dad said, “As long as your heart is in the right place, you can do no wrong”.
I will lose my peace and tranquility, but it is good to know they are back and safe now. They are going for an hours kip before I wake them in the most annoying way.
@stmodwenhomes #newhome #firsthome #stmodwenhomes #newbuild #modernhome #becket #firsttimebuyer #homedecor #minimal #colour #clean #organise #white #memories #comfort #christmas #festive #winter