A round up of a beautiful and generally mild December . There were fresh flowers

A round up of a beautiful and generally mild December 🌲. There were fresh flowers to be cut from the geum and bowles mauve, stunning catkins on the garrya elliptica and SO MUCH blossom on the prunus subhirtella autumnalis rosea trees. I spend much of my day gazing at it and I’m pleased to see more of you are planting these beauties in your gardens so you can love them too 💚.
If those trees weren’t enough I made several more for the Christmas table which have survived Noodle’s chewing tendencies 😼.
I even did some gardening (cutting back), planting (tulip, eremurus and allium bulbs) and put some indoor bulbs in too (muscari and hyacinth).
A very busy time at work over Christmas as expected, but less work than I was after over New Year which resulted in me making a garden style shipping forecast. Proof if proof were needed that I should not be left unsupervised 😂😬.
Thank you for all your hilarious messages about that and for sending me the shipping forecast challenge. I’ll add it to my stories, you have to try and read it out loud at the speed of the autocue. It is impossible 😂.
I leave a picture of Crumble wrapped up in her blanket to demonstrate what we all should be doing for the next two weeks 😂. Hope you are able to keep warm 🥶💚🌿🌿🌿

#gardeninspiration #wintergarden #interiordesign #winterdecor #cottagegarden #prunussubhirtellaautumnalis #winyerblossom #wintergarden #gardenroom #biophilicdesign

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