My #monsterasticling was screaming for soil when we got home from Idre … so now they are Show Content
🌱🌵🌱 My #monsterasticling screamed for soil when we got home from Idre 😇… so now it's planted and has got a good place in the window by the dining table. Couldn't resist starting a new “little” baby that will hopefully have a lot of nice roots in a few months.🌱🌵🌱 ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ #trädgård #hage #haevn #garden # gardeninspo #iminträdgård #trädgården #trädgårdprojekt #plantera #plantera #dla #doling #grow #gardenlife #gardenday #kitchengarden #kitchengarden #gardenamateur #trädgårdunderuppyggnad #trädgårdsinspiration #trädgårdliv #minträdgård #kallfors #järna #jarna #mygarden #golf #monsteraplant #monstera