The flowers that bloomed last summer were beautiful once they got going late in the s

The flowers that bloomed last summer were beautiful once they got going late on the sides. Thinking of going through all my seeds today and making a list of the order in which they should be sown. I was thinking of having the plants on my glazed balcony eventually, hope it will be warm for them there. No point in sowing anything yet, but I can be prepared when the time comes. Wishing you a nice Epiphany Christmas🎄💕🤗 #blommor #flowers #flower #rosenskära #astrar #trädgård #garden #pallkrage #trädgårdstider #trädgårdsodling #trädgårdsliv #trädgårdsdrömmar #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #livetpålandet #dla #frö #så

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